Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday: Day 1 in Busia —Evangelism

We started the day on Monday with a nice cup of African Tea and some fantastic bananas! We loaded up and drove a few miles down the road to Buteba Baptist Church (BBC), it is the mother church of the nine churches in Busia. Pastor Lawrence is the head pastor over the association. There we met our team of 20 people who we would be going with to do evangelism for the day. We were split into four groups, Paul and Pastor Michael went together in group Judea, Jonathan and I were in group Jerusalem, Mom and Dad were in group Bethlehem, and Timmy was in group Jericho. We went out once in the morning for an hour an a half and again after lunch for two hours. We went in different directions with our groups and walked miles through the village surrounding the church. 
There are many stories of the day's events which I could tell, but here are just a few. Jonathan and I went together and talked to many people and visited many families. The first house we went to we sat down and talked to a man. Jonathan presented the gospel and the man confessed with tears in his eyes. This is the first tome Jonathan had ever led anyone to accept Christ, despite his faithfulness to be a witness. 

Then there was a lady who we were able to talk to who accepted the gospel and confessed Jesus as Lord. Her name was Lydia. 

There was a timid little girl who was between 12-15 years old who would not respond to the questions of the men but when I sat down beside her and told her the story of Christ, her eyes lit up and she too believed.

At another house we met an older lady, we shared the gospel with her but she told us she believed she was fine how she was for her son was a deacon and because of that she would be saved. She would not be convinced otherwise. We continued on and spoke to many others and many more believed.
The first day's totals came to be about 36 professions of faith. From mom and dad's group there were 4 professions, from Paul's group there were 12 professions, from Timmy's group there were 11 professions (also because he had brought the knowledge of the gospel to the family's home they gave him a chicken!), and in our group there were 9 professions. 
We praise God for the salvation of 36 souls! 

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