What is truth? Is there any meaning for my life? Why do I exist? These are all questions that we have to deal with as some point or another in our life. You come to a point when you need some answers. With all the different "truths" in the world today it is hard to find out which one is truly true or even if there is one that is truly true. What if they are all true? Truth is relative, right? What is true for me is true for me and what is true for you is true for you, and if we don't agree, oh well, we don't agree. But what if it isn't that way it works?
Truth can't be relative... If truth is relative then that's an absolute. It is absolute that truth is relative... but, that doesn't make any sense! What does?
The Bible says that Jesus is the Way, that Jesus is the Truth, and that Jesus is the Life (John 14:6). There is one Truth and that is Jesus. Truth is not relative, it is absolute. You can't have it both ways, if Jesus is the Truth and He said that He is the only way to heaven and to the Father then Islam can't be true and Buddhism can't be true and Joseph Smith can't be true because they all say that there is another way.
There is one truth, and that truth is absolute. So that means all other "truths" are really false, and what I believe is a lie? Well, to be honest, yes. If you don't like that then I am sorry, but its the truth!
So since Jesus is truth then what about the way and the life? The Way is the cross. Jesus says that He came to earth to bear witness to the truth (John 18:37) and if He bears witness to the truth and He in doing that died for our sin then rose again then that is the way. That is what gives us hope and that is what makes Him different from all other "gods". Hate to say it but Mohammad died and stayed dead, so did Buddha, Confucius, and Krishna. All died, all still dead. End of story. Except for Jesus, yeah, He died (John 19:33) but He didn't stay dead (Luke 24:6-7). Because of His resurrection we have hope of eternal life.
Why was it necessary for Jesus to die? Because we as humans are sinners. God created the earth (no matter what Darwin, Hawkins, and Sagan say, He did) and because He is Creator, He is Sovereign. That means He is in control of the world and He rules the world. When He created the world it was perfect and innocent, including man. The first two humans God created were Adam and Eve, most people have heard of them, and they were deceived by the serpent (who was actually Satan a.k.a. Lucifer in serpent form) and they did the one thing God told them not to do. Really! It was one rule, and they broke it! Congratz! So since then mankind has had this disease called Sin, that eats away at our soul and mind. It is not something we can cure by doing a billion different things, or something we can take meds for, or something we can overcome on our own. Because God is perfect and holy He required that blood was the payment for sin (Hebrews 9:22) and that death was the only justification for it. So He enacted the Law. The most popularly known portion is the Ten Commandments. The thing is no one is able to perfectly keep it, because while we can fulfill those laws on the outside we still break them in our heart and mind. We may not actually commit adultery but we still have lust in our hearts, we may not bow before an idol, but we still have our lives revolve around something, someone, or ourselves.
But God wasn't stumped, remember I said He was sovereign? Well, He is also Omniscient (all-knowing) and He is Eternal. He had a plan before all time began, our sin didn't surprise Him! He knew what was going to happen before "in the beginning God" (Genesis 1:1) so He made a way for us to be reconciled to (or reunited with) Him. Because the blood had to be perfect, He required in the Old Testament sacrifices of young lambs, oxen, and other animals that were considered clean. But the people would continue to sin and they would have to continue to sacrifice and God knew that, so He made a way for our sins to be forgiven once for all.
He came Himself to pay for our sins.
God Himself stepped out of heaven in the body of a man in order to shed His perfect and holy blood to let into heaven dirty, nasty, wretched, sinners. Me. And you. (1 Peter 2:24) He took our sins on Himself so that He could make us righteous and we would be able to enter into an eternal relationship with Him. He comes after us, and He chose us (John 15:16) and He pursues us. He wants you to love Him, to have a relationship with Him. That is why He proved His love for us by coming and dying for us (1 John 4:10). He is here, He is present, and He will be with us, here in the world, day in and day out. He will never leave you (Deuteronomy 31:6) and no one can take you away from Him (John 10:28-29).
Will you give your life to Him?
(Romans 10:9)