Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Friday: Follow up or Evangelism?

Friday was our follow up day. Our goal was to go to the houses of those who had accepted Christ on Monday and Tuesday and pray for them and encourage them to join us on Sunday for worship at Buteba. There was a slight hitch in our plan though. That was the day the government decided to hand out mosquito nets in town. Therefore many had left their homes and gone to town to receive the nets in order to lessen the malaria risk in their family. We walked for quite some time and passed many empty houses before we came to some where family members had remained behind to work while others had gone to town. The old man who had prayed on Monday was not there but some of his children/grandchildren were home. We presented the gospel to them and four oldest were saved.we continued down a little ways and came to a house where we had presented before but the old Catholic lady had discouraged them from believing. This time it was not just her daughter who was home but also her son-in-law. He sat and listened with his wife and this time they both confessed. At the very next house a brother and his sister heard the gospel and they too believed. We stopped at one home of a family where four had confessed on Tuesday. Only one of them was home but their son and daughter had returned home from school and we were given the opportunity to share with them. Jonathan presented the gospel and after a few clarification questions both confessed Christ. After praying with and encouraging them we continued on and came to the house of a Catholic lady. She was willing to hear us but after 30 minutes of conversation she persisted that she could be saved by her prayers to Mary and that by that Jesus would accept her. We prayed for her and went on our way. 
Just before we reached that house the men in our group decided to take us on a detour, up a high rocky hill. It was beautiful! You could see far off into the distance and on one side was Uganda and on the other was Kenya. You could look down and see the fields marked out and the huts on the edge of the land. You could see the medical center and the church and school. It was beautiful! Jonathan wanted to build us a house up there, I said the first requirement was that he build me a ski lift! 

In total there were about 13 more salvations, from our group and from the others. Dad had an encouraging visit with a lady they had spoken to on Monday. She had confessed Christ that day and when the group returned on Friday she had reported that she had spoken to her husband who is catholic and he had allowed her to choose for himself though he would not change himself. She asked for prayer for her habit of drinking which she desired to stop for she knew in her heart that what she did was wrong. This was a great encouragement that the people who we were speaking to were taking their confession seriously. 

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