Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last of Camp

I've been home for a week and realized I never reported on the last two weeks of camp. They were both reunion camps where the kids that came had been here for at least two or three years. during the girl's week I had three girls in my devo group: Britany, Marisa, and Ramona (or Mo). They were absolutely nothing alike and I am still thanking God they got along anyway! Britany was very quiet and shy and at the beginning of the week she would barely talk to me, but at the end of the week she began to talk to me and to let me in on her life. Marisa was completely different, she talked from the moment she got off the bus, she would tell me all about her family and about her life at home, which was defiantly not easy at all. Mo was a character, i loved her to death! And I remembered her from last year (she didn't like me much, but we also didn't get much of a chance to get to know each other). I won't lie, I was scared to death she would hate me and just ignore me all week, but God is good and apparently I was cool enough for her to like! We had a blast, including our very good bonding time while walking through the woods in the pitch black Monday night (following our wonderful outdoorsy-woodsman male staffer who was leading the group through the woods thinking he knew where he was going but as it turns out he can't see in the dark. I, who can see in the dark, did not realize this till later. In retrospect though, it is absolutely hilarious!). So all in all the week went very well.
The boys week also went well, we had 8 young men between 12 and 15 years old. In my devo group was Joel and Chris/JoshS/CJ/Whatever your name is this week/Stamper (we never really knew what to call him cause he changed his name preference so often). Joel is a sweetheart, he was one of my first campers last summer and I was so thrilled when he remembered me! We had a blast through the week and I enjoyed seeing how much they had learned and grown since last summer! CJ had actually come earlier in the summer as a SIT (staffer-in-training) for a week, during that week we was sitting in on one of the devo groups and as one of the staffers was leading another boy in the prayer of salvation CJ also prayed to receive Christ. Then he came as a camper that last week and now he is really wanting to come back for a full summer next year. Pray that he stays strong and that he is able to come back next summer and that God will grow him in ways that will prepare him for his job as a staffer.

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