Friday, July 23, 2010

Boy's reunion camp

This week has been great! We had 11 campers between 10 and 14 years old. They were mostly all responsive and listened very well to the Gospel. There was one little boy in my group, Jordan, who was raised Mormon but when we talked to him about Christ he just soaked it all in. He was also a compulsive lier, and starting from monday when he got here we all could tell that. By thursday he had cut down a whole lot on the amount of lying.
It was so amazing to see and reconnect with some of the young men who were in my devo groups last year and to see how much they had grown over the year. It is hard having one week with a child to influence them for Christ's sake and then have to send them home to their families and schools where they are influenced 51 weeks out of the year against your one week. It breaks your heart and you pray for a year that they will be strong and that God will preserve them, then they come back to camp, and for three of my boys (Tim, Jason, and Manuel specifically) it was amazing to see that they had been involved with Church and they had begun listening to Christian music and that they are stronger than last year. But they stand at a brink in their lives where they must decide where they will stand, if they will follow Christ and go against a very stong current or if they will give in to what is easier. It beraks my heart, I love them so much, and I want them to know God is such a real and powerful way and not just know about Him. I think that this is the hardest part of working and loving these kids.

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