Monday, October 25, 2010

Update on Africa Trip!

I am no longer going to South Africa over Christmas Break.
The dates have changed to Spring Break.
If your Spring Break is between the dates:
March 4-11, 2011
You can come on this trip!
Please contact me or Darren Tipton about more information on the trip.
Please be in prayer for the trip and for those going overseas to spread the Gospel to those who have had no chance to hear it.
If you are able to support in ways more than prayers (meaning financially;) you are able to do that straight from the website, or again, you can contact me.
Love you all, and thank you so much for the support!
God Bless!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Everlasting Fire

The forest burns, the grass withers in the flames
As does your life, your soul, caught in sin

Turned to ashes, you are lost
All is dead, all is worthless, burnt to nothing

The death you die, you die each day
But hope died in your place

The fires consume your identity
Yet a life-giving flame brings you hope

A cross of blazing hope;
Resurrection that brings new life

The forest once burned, the grass once withered
Quenching rain fell and devoured the flames

Under the ashes new life appeared
Joy rode in on the wings of hope

The night of death is swept away
By the first lights of morning

The dawn of a new day
Showers light on the blooms of life

On the back of life is salvation
With songs of a new day on my lips

The joy of your salvation ignites my soul
Consuming my being with radiant hope

We now share in the joy of light
Shining from the everlasting fire

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ready to go again?

Here we go again!
I am headed back to South Africa!
December 29th - January 11th
If anyone is interested in going with me or helping with the trip (be it information on the trip or helping with the cost or fundraising), just call me, FB message me, or comment on this blog post!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sometimes people just don't know what LOVE is...

If there is one thing in the whole world people just don't understand, it is love. The reason is because it has been so distorted by sin that people don't know what it really is anymore. But God! Is not just going to leave us hanging, He gave us Scripture for a reason. He knew we were going to screw this up so He made a way for us to begin understanding again this Truth, it is an ongoing learning process but when Christ sets up an example for us to follow, we better listen and we better follow. Jesus addresses this in John 15:13. Listen to this verse carefully, God created Love (I think He should know how it really works) and the Apostle John was the "disciple whom Jesus loved" which tells me he is probably the only person on the planet to come the closest to understanding the depths of God's Love. The verse says:
"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."
Here is the context of that verse: after the Lord's Supper before the crucifixion before He is arrested. Which means they're sitting there after the Passover and Jesus is talking to them, John records in four chapters some of what Jesus tells them. This is one of those things, said right in the middle of what He is telling them and if you think about it, this is only a few hours before He was to be arrested. Judas has already left to deny Him, Peter has already been confused about why he is going to deny Him. And here is Jesus telling the disciples exactly why (had they been paying attention) He was about to do what He did.
He Loved them, us, we are those friends he laid His life down for. It was us He loved. Now think about it: could this Love come from a feeling He got? Think about it! People say love is a feeling, but it's not! If Jesus had made decisions based on feelings where do you think we would have ended up at? "Hmm... You know God, I really don't feel like taking on your wrath for all sin in the world today. I kinda like the way I look, I don't necessarily want to get over 90% of my skin ripped off this morning. Umm... that crown of thorns? I would really prefer one of gold, ya know? I don't really feel like being mocked today, I'm just going to go on living like everyone else so that I'll blend in and they won't notice I'm different. Hey God, I really don't feel like having most of my back torn off so can we skip the 39 lashes?"
What if Jesus had said that?!?!?!?!?!? Where do you think we would be at? But that isn't what He said, we all know that! It was something along the lines of: "Father? This is really going to hurt... but I knew they would mess up, and I gave them the option of following Me from the start, but they can't do it. They left Me, I wanted to help them but they wouldn't let Me!! But they are My children, My people, I could choose to hate them because they stabbed Me in the back, or I could choose to Love them. But Loving them is going to be so much harder. That requires dying, I'm God! I can't die! But I will, because that is the only way I can get them back..." What does that tell you about Love?
The world says that love is just a feeling, that it is something you can "fall into" or "fall out off" at a whim. But that is not Truth. The Truth says it is a decision you have to make. You can have an attitude of Love, a heart of Love. But to get that you have to start by deciding to Love. No, not deciding "Well, I kinda like this person, I decide I'm going to love them" that is not correct either. There are different kinds of love, there is the Love of God (the greatest and most perfect Love of all), there is spousal Love (that is Love in purity and in righteousness, a symbolism of God's Love for you), and there is also Brotherly Love (Love between the Believers of Christ). That last one (brotherly Love) is the hardest one to understand it seems. We just don't know how to communicate it, and when someone genuinely Loves you with brotherly Love some people just take it the wrong way. It is when you know that this person is someone you can trust (be them male or female) and you can connect with them through the bond you have in Christ that is when you are able to Love someone with the Love of God. The friendship and fellowship with your family is that which sets us apart from the world, because that friendship is not based on what someone has done, nor is it based on what you can get from the other person, it is based on our relationship with God.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Upon leaving EWYR I have had a whirlwind of a schedule to keep! First off, rather than flying back to North Carolina I flew back to Kentucky where I spent the weekend with my family. Monday we drove back to North Carolina, and Tuesday and Wednesday I spent at home running errands and packing for school. Thursday I moved into my dorm, which was empty cause I was the only person on the whole campus who moved in on Thursday, everyone else moved Friday. The past two days have pretty much been chill, getting used to my surroundings, meeting people, hanging out with the other freshmen and such. Today was alot of fun! I went with the New Student Orientation to do a photo scavenger hunt (I didn't have to actually go, I'm not in orientation, I just wanted to go to meet people) and then this evening went to the Q&A dinner, then hung out with some of the other girls in my dorm. I am going to an (from what I've heard) awesome church tomorrow with a group of girls here in Lolley, which is good cause now I have a ride :)
I a really looking forward to this semester, getting to know some of the girls on my floor and talking with them I know this semester is going to be great and that I will learn alot and grow not only from the classes I take but also from the friends I've made.
So excited to see what God has in store!!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last of Camp

I've been home for a week and realized I never reported on the last two weeks of camp. They were both reunion camps where the kids that came had been here for at least two or three years. during the girl's week I had three girls in my devo group: Britany, Marisa, and Ramona (or Mo). They were absolutely nothing alike and I am still thanking God they got along anyway! Britany was very quiet and shy and at the beginning of the week she would barely talk to me, but at the end of the week she began to talk to me and to let me in on her life. Marisa was completely different, she talked from the moment she got off the bus, she would tell me all about her family and about her life at home, which was defiantly not easy at all. Mo was a character, i loved her to death! And I remembered her from last year (she didn't like me much, but we also didn't get much of a chance to get to know each other). I won't lie, I was scared to death she would hate me and just ignore me all week, but God is good and apparently I was cool enough for her to like! We had a blast, including our very good bonding time while walking through the woods in the pitch black Monday night (following our wonderful outdoorsy-woodsman male staffer who was leading the group through the woods thinking he knew where he was going but as it turns out he can't see in the dark. I, who can see in the dark, did not realize this till later. In retrospect though, it is absolutely hilarious!). So all in all the week went very well.
The boys week also went well, we had 8 young men between 12 and 15 years old. In my devo group was Joel and Chris/JoshS/CJ/Whatever your name is this week/Stamper (we never really knew what to call him cause he changed his name preference so often). Joel is a sweetheart, he was one of my first campers last summer and I was so thrilled when he remembered me! We had a blast through the week and I enjoyed seeing how much they had learned and grown since last summer! CJ had actually come earlier in the summer as a SIT (staffer-in-training) for a week, during that week we was sitting in on one of the devo groups and as one of the staffers was leading another boy in the prayer of salvation CJ also prayed to receive Christ. Then he came as a camper that last week and now he is really wanting to come back for a full summer next year. Pray that he stays strong and that he is able to come back next summer and that God will grow him in ways that will prepare him for his job as a staffer.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Boy's reunion camp

This week has been great! We had 11 campers between 10 and 14 years old. They were mostly all responsive and listened very well to the Gospel. There was one little boy in my group, Jordan, who was raised Mormon but when we talked to him about Christ he just soaked it all in. He was also a compulsive lier, and starting from monday when he got here we all could tell that. By thursday he had cut down a whole lot on the amount of lying.
It was so amazing to see and reconnect with some of the young men who were in my devo groups last year and to see how much they had grown over the year. It is hard having one week with a child to influence them for Christ's sake and then have to send them home to their families and schools where they are influenced 51 weeks out of the year against your one week. It breaks your heart and you pray for a year that they will be strong and that God will preserve them, then they come back to camp, and for three of my boys (Tim, Jason, and Manuel specifically) it was amazing to see that they had been involved with Church and they had begun listening to Christian music and that they are stronger than last year. But they stand at a brink in their lives where they must decide where they will stand, if they will follow Christ and go against a very stong current or if they will give in to what is easier. It beraks my heart, I love them so much, and I want them to know God is such a real and powerful way and not just know about Him. I think that this is the hardest part of working and loving these kids.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Reunion Girls

This week was a difficult one. I knew and remembered everyone of the girls that came and they all remembered me, which was awesome, and the girls did awesome while they were here.There were 16 girls that came, we were over capacity but it worked anyway, we had three girls and two staff sleeping in a tent outside the bunkhouse. My three girls were Brittney, Alissa, and Kaylie, I loved all three of them so much and wanted to help them learn about Christ and about how much He loves them and I wanted to show them how much I love them but it was hard. Brittney liked starting everything and her main goal was to get attention, I tried giving her positive attention but when all she would do is act out it was difficult. Alissa didn't know the meaning of the word "forgiveness", she would hold a grudge all day and it was never her fault. Kaylie was a sweetheart who never let anything or anyone get her down, and although she didn't especially like the other two girls she would tolerate them. It was difficult to see if what I was doing was the right thing, that they would respond to the best and would teach them the best but sometimes you can't see what will and will not work till after the fact. In the end I had to simply do something and trust that God would use what I felt He wanted me to do in a manner that would help them. 
The only thing that seemed to make my week seem useful was the Indonesian Hut. I taught the kids about mission work in Southeast Asia and about the Muslim faith and culture in Indonesia and about how much they all need Christ. We had bought different foods and candies from Indonesia at a world food market in Albuquerque and I wore my traditional shirt and taught them some of the funny customs there that they would find interesting. We also taught them what few words and phrases I wrote down. Then on the last day we presented the Gospel using the E-cubes and taught them how to use one to tell their friends about God. We also told them that if they had never accepted Christ into their lives that we were all her to talk to at any time. That evening one of the girls, Cheyeanna, came up to me and told me that she wanted to talk to me and Josh about accepting Christ. So the next morning (it just so happened that when she asked me it was 10 at night and about time for lights out) we went out to meet Josh and sitting on the front porch she accepted Christ.It was amazing and made my week feel like it was worth something. In all honesty if I had to do that every week for a whole summer and she was the only one to know Him from that it would be well worth it!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Half way point.

I can't believe that this summer is over halfway over! It seems as if I just got here! These past two weeks have been rather rough for me; last week, during girl's camp, I had a girl named Renee. She had an attitude, she would occasionally decided she just didn't like this activity and just quit or refuse to even try to participate. She basically fought me and the other staff tooth and nail to do her own thing. But what she wanted was attention, and the only attention she had ever gotten was negative attention. The only way she new to get attention was to act out. I tried my hardest to give her as much positive attention as I could, but sometimes it was just hard!
Also there was Nicole, she was as sweet as could be, but she considered herself to be ugly. She didn't have extraordinary feminine features, and she was insecure about that. She didn't have any friends because she moved schools frequently and thought herself socially awkward. But by the end of the week she had not only found a friend with Renee, but also found a friend in Jesus.
This past week, during boy's camp, we had two young men in our devo group. Nathan and Tommy. Nathan told us on Monday that the only reason why he came was because his mom made him. By Thursday afternoon he told me he was going to miss us all and that he didn't want to go home. He was very self destructive, he scared me to death Monday saying that he had broken all these different bones and then he told me he was wanted to break a leg this week while he was here (thank God he didn't). Funny thing is: by Tuesday night he would give me a hug before he went to bed, the unloved felt loved!
Tommy, on the other hand, was a completely different story! He was Bipolar and ADHD, that wasn't bad, we had other kids who had the same thing and it wasn't a problem... Tommy's thing was he thought he would never be able to function without his meds. So that caused issues, he thought that when he was in a certain mood he could not get out of it until he had been given his meds, had eaten, or slept. He was another child who had only gotten negative attention and also needed constant attention. If you were not interacting with him at all times, he would fight with the kids sitting around him. I pray that some of what was taught to him got through to him, because he would not pay attention to the devos or the lessons or the adventure rec debriefings. But he was a very loving young man, he absolutely adored me and Leanna, and I loved some of the things he would tell me. For instance, Wednesday he asked me when we were going to spend time together again. What he meant was when was 1 to 1 time when the two of us would play games and do activities together. He loved it, cause he had my full, absolute attention for an hour and a half.
Keep praying for the camp, this upcoming week we have girl reunion campers. Which means I know all the kids that will be coming! But there will be 15 campers, myself and the other Sarah will be staying in a tent with about three of the kids.
Thank you all for the prayers, and all the support.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Boys week, 3rd week of camp

This week we had a group of 10 boys. We had a few special cases and had to rearrange a few things from the norm. We had one camper who had a very rough life and for a couple reasons was put in the ranch house to stay with a couple of the staff guys. I had in my group the brother of the girl who believed in the Olympian Greek gods. His name is Travis, he came in very set in his beliefs but when we started talking to him, he began to question what he had always known. I prayed for him for three days and on Wednesday when we presented the gospel he prayed to God to forgive him for his sin. He told me later he decided that the Greek gods were more like superheroes like the X-men and that God was the true God. It was awesome, and I am very glad that he will be able to go back home and help Celina, his sister.
Pray for Travis and Celina though, their parents still have a Wiccan worldview and he told me that their mother is a white witch. Keep the staff in prayer always, we are beginning to feel the effects of sleep deprivation and exhaustion. This up coming week is a girls week and the girls in the bunkhouse need extra prayer because it is very exhausting to be with the girls 24/5.
Thank you all and love you!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Girl's Week!

So last week i typed up my post with the kids names and saved it... then I forgot to send it! So this time I'll remember to hit send!
I will put the staffers names in the groups then the camper's names underneath.

Me, Mikela, Kaleb:
Robin, Avi, Celina

Samantha, Sarah, Isaias:
Brishelle, Annalise, Christian

Ashley, Vanessa, Zach:
Jovonne, Alexis, Mary

Leah, Leanna, Malcolm:
Karina, Brianna, Tirzah

The girls listed first in each group will in the bunk house, say an extra prayer for them! Thank you all!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

End of the first camp week!

We had a very good week of camp. I'm teaching archery again and I've begun to realize this week how much you can impact a kid by teaching him how to shoot. We had a lot of very insecure boys this week. Two of them were in my devo group: Jordan and Kaleb. By the time they left you could see how much of an impact one week of encouragement can to to a child's self-worth. There was also a young man named Reed this week. I was able to work with him in archery and when he got to class the first two days he couldn't hit the target at all. But with much patience, encouragement, and someone who would just believe in him, Thursday morning he hit the target 27 out of 30 times... in a row. It was an awesome boost of self-confidence for him.

Keep praying for the staff we have come through our first week of camp very well. Also we have another staffer who arrived yesterday, Josh, pray he learns the ropes fast and also for Allie, she won't be here for another two weeks. Keep praying for Mr. Albert and Ms. Dianne, they are in Albuquerque still. They'll be there for another week and a half to try to get Mr. Albert's strenght back up.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers! Love you all!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Today I am traveling to New Mexico. I'll fly out at 3 EST this afternoon and arrive at 6:50 MT. I'm definantly excited and after talking to some of the staff team members I know it is going to be an amazing summer and that God is going to bless the camp! Please be in prayer for the yeam as we all fly from our respective homes to Albuquerque and know that we covet your continued prayers throughout this summer. Thank you all so much for the support and I'll keep you posted on what is going on. Blessings!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Arise My Love- Joy Sticks

This is our youth's Creative Ministries Group presenting an interpretation of the song "Arise My Love" by Ray Boltz with dowl rods.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

EWYR Staff

Here are the staff members this year:

Samantha Shea
Leah Johnson
Ashley Uribe
Allie McDonald
Sarah Pierce
Kaleb Swanda
Malcolm McCullum
Brandon Nix
Leanna Nanney
Vanesssa Wells
Isaias Castillo
Russell Moore

Full Time:
Albert & Dianne Hagan (directors)
Todd Sledge (assistant director)
Karen Staats
Colleen Leach
Ronnie Dennison
Renea Calhoon

Please be in prayer for all these staff members and the full time staff also.
If you want to find out more about them go to the Eagles' Wings web site:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Update on EWYR

Good news! First, the doctors decided that they jumped to conclusions on the determination of cancer and continued testing and found that it was not cancer. He has to have surgery on his leg but he is presently out of the hospital.

As far as the male staff, we have gotten more volenteers and we now have a full staff! So praise the Lord! And thanks for praying. God Bless.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request

I found out today that the camp director, Mr. Albert Hagan, at Eagles' Wing has been diagnosed with cancer. If everyone will pray for him that would be much appreciated. Also, we are a couple guy staff short of having a full staff, so please pray that this need will also be met. If anyone knows any strong Christan males between 11th grade and Senior in college that would want to give up their summer to serve kids from disadvantaged homes in New Mexico, please let me know. God Bless! Isaiah 52:7

Monday, March 8, 2010

What's Next?

The reason for starting this blog in the first place was to keep in contact with everyone while I was away in New Mexico at Eagles Wing's Youth Ranch. Well, I get to do that again. I will be leaving for Mountainair on May 29th and will be there for 10 weeks. I am very excited about it and I have already begun to pray for the kids that will be there, some of them by name that I hope and pray will come back. I have begun to meet, or at least as far as you can meet someone on Facebook, some of the staff. We have four, I'm pretty sure, staff from last summer returning this year and I am very excited because my best friend from Northern Kentucky, Sammie Shea, will be serving with me this year. Please be praying for the staff, starting even now, so that we will be prepared to serve with the love of Christ and especially pray for our kids that they will be receptive of the Gospel and will readily accept the Amazing Love He has for them. Pray also for protection from our eniemy, Satan, for I know he will try in evey way possible to stop our work and cause us to be complacent and stagnent. Pray that he will be shut out of the camp and that anything that would distract us from Christ's love would dissolve in the overwhelming power of God's mercy. Thank you all for the prayers and support and be looking for those posts with the kids names. I will post the names of the staff as soon as I find out all of them. God Bless. Isaiah 52:7

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Report on Asia

Sorry I have taken so long to report on my trip to Asia.
It was, in one word: Amazing! We were able to go into three English schools and talk to the students about Christmas and New Year. We told them about American holidays, culture, and our education system. Then we would open up the class to discussion. Many of them asked if they would be accepted in the States, if they could find work, or if they would be discriminated against because they are not American. They all wanted to know if they were to come to America would they be able to make a life for themselves. They also wanted to know whether we were discriminant against Muslims (that is what many of them are) and if we feared Muslims because of 9-11. No, they were not the jihad type, they were actually very friendly and open. Everyone was excited to talk to us and take a "photo" with the "bule" (white people). And they were probably more supportive of our president than the average American, everyone loved Obama, and I was asked many times if I voted for him. My answer of course was, "You have to be 18 to vote in America, I am not old enough." Because this country is not open to Evangelism we were not able to just strike up a conversation about Christ and Salvation, so we had to go about it in a different way. We would always take time to explain our views of Christmas as a celebration of Christ's birth, but we couldn't just start talking about His death and go from there. They had to ask us and pursue it themselves. No, we didn't have a great harvest of souls while we were there, there is still only one believer in the city (to our knowledge), but we were able to plant seeds and to water where others had been before. And we got to make contacts to keep up with and continue a relationship with via Facebook. Yes, we can do Facebook Evangelism. We were able to go to some of the local parks and to "meet and greet" the locals on New Years Day, so while you in the States were counting down, I was eating some unknown fruit with a Muslim family. I was also able to befriend a girl (who spoke really good English) for the afternoon (yes, I am FB friends with her now). She helped me figure out what to eat for lunch, honestly I still don't know what I ate (except that it had chicken and rice), and then we just hung out for the rest of the afternoon watching the outdoor concert (some Asian girl sang Michael Jackson songs), and this monkey collecting money. We went and got this beef-on-a-stick thingy, it was fried, I don't know what part of the beef it was made of though, oh well, it was good. I also got to meet her family, they didn't speak English, and take pictures with them.
Funny story, the day we went to the second school we went to the market earlier that morning. That was really cool, but not my point, I bought this traditional shirt that was all fancy and what-not and decided to wear it to the school. Well, everyone at the school thought it was cool that I had one of their shirts on, then they asked me where I worked I told them it was a print shop where we make T-shirts and monograms. After explaining what a monogram was, they all quickly assumed that I was a fashion designer! Why? I make shirts and like their fancy Asian clothes. I am still not sure how they put those two together and got that but... whatever. And no matter what I said, I couldn't convince them otherwise, so that school got a visit from a clueless fashion designer!
But all in all, the trip was amazing, exhausting, and amazing again! Saw some very weird things, ate some very weird things, but loved every second. I have now eaten water buffalo, squid, and sushi. I have almost missed a plane from Singapore and rode a crowded subway full of Asians with cell phones. I have rode in multiple taxis down the wrong side of the road, at full speed, thinking I was about to meet my Maker cause this Asian who can't speak English is coming within inches of these cars and motorcycles, and we sometimes had as many as 4 people in the back seat because we couldn't afford a 4th taxi, but I lived to tell the story! I have washed my hair in multiple airport sinks and gone 52 hours on 5 hours of sleep! And slept in a hotel with cockroaches that are two or three inches long and had sightings of rats as big as house-cats, although we did have a gecko friend in my room of that I was glad (they eat bugs). But all is well, and I'd do it again in an instant!
As of right now, I am praying about an opportunity to go back to Africa in May. I don't know if I'll be able to because of various reasons but I will try to work around those. But I do know that at the end of May I will be going back to Eagles' Wings for the summer. That I am excited about! Keep praying for me and my opportunities for missions. And thank you all for praying and giving for this trip.
Romans 10:14-15