Monday, October 25, 2010

Update on Africa Trip!

I am no longer going to South Africa over Christmas Break.
The dates have changed to Spring Break.
If your Spring Break is between the dates:
March 4-11, 2011
You can come on this trip!
Please contact me or Darren Tipton about more information on the trip.
Please be in prayer for the trip and for those going overseas to spread the Gospel to those who have had no chance to hear it.
If you are able to support in ways more than prayers (meaning financially;) you are able to do that straight from the website, or again, you can contact me.
Love you all, and thank you so much for the support!
God Bless!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Everlasting Fire

The forest burns, the grass withers in the flames
As does your life, your soul, caught in sin

Turned to ashes, you are lost
All is dead, all is worthless, burnt to nothing

The death you die, you die each day
But hope died in your place

The fires consume your identity
Yet a life-giving flame brings you hope

A cross of blazing hope;
Resurrection that brings new life

The forest once burned, the grass once withered
Quenching rain fell and devoured the flames

Under the ashes new life appeared
Joy rode in on the wings of hope

The night of death is swept away
By the first lights of morning

The dawn of a new day
Showers light on the blooms of life

On the back of life is salvation
With songs of a new day on my lips

The joy of your salvation ignites my soul
Consuming my being with radiant hope

We now share in the joy of light
Shining from the everlasting fire