Monday, July 13, 2009

Results of First Year Girls Week 7

So had a pretty amazing week. On the very first day I was moved out of Jay and Sarah's devo group into one with Josh and Hannah. The three of us were specifically put with the two girls that are selective mutes. The older one was my one on one and the younger was Hannah's. In a interesting and slightly confusing turn of events I ended up in the bunk house. Three of our campers dropped out last minute and we couldn't get replacements. So all the girls staff were in the bunk house. On Monday when they arrived they were extremely shy and would barely even look at you, by Tuesday they would look at you but they would answer your questions with very small nods. Once Wednesday came around the three of us had fugured out how to read their body language and how to make them laugh. The older of the girls would laugh and smile but the younger forced herself not to. On Thursday they were much more responsive and began to participate in group acivities, but because they only seemed to trust Hannah, Josh, and I we were the only ones they would partner with during any of the games. Friday we realized that they love air hocky... so we played for an hour before they had to leave. They both laughed and giggled and occasionaly speak to each other, in Spanish so I had no idea what in the world they were saying. They were both very beautiful girls and I am so glad we were able to build a relationship with them, I hope and pray that if i can not come back next year and they do that one of the other staff that they already trust will be here so they don't have to start from the ground up again.
Also you may pray for me this week, I was minorly injured twice in the past week. Once playing volley ball, I bent my wrist backwards and I don't have the strongest wrists in the world to begin with, thankfully that is better but I don't want to reinjure it. Then on Saturday we were going to play a game of staff twohand touch football and during one of the practice warm up runs one of the guys accedently (wasn't looking where he was running) plowed me over. So now my entire left side of my body is sore. I liken said pain to falling off a horse.
Thank you for you prayers and support, I really could feel them this week.
Romans 10:14-15

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