This past winter I was privilaged to get the opportunity to serve as a missionary in South Africa. I was there from December 29, 2008, to Janurary 7,2009. I traveled and worked with a group of 24 people called DoMissions, there were three leaders, two in seminary, one mom, lots of college students, and me, the only high schooler! We were based out of and worked with a church in Escourt, South Africa, called Midlands Christian Centre. We used soccer clinics and "hut-to-hut" witnessing as an opportunity to share the Gospel with the Kwazulu-Natal tribe. We visited three villages outside of Escourt called Wembezi, Ntabamhlope, and Dalton Bridge. We were able to give some of the families food (rice, beans, and corn meal) and the kids soccer balls, cleats, and stuffed animals.
On Saturday we were in Ntabamhlope standing outside our van praying for each other before we made our next visit, a group of kids began to gather behind us. Some of us felt that we needed to talk to the kids, so we split up and some of us made the next visit while others stayed behind to talk to the kids. Our group leader began talking to them and we found out that they had never heard of God or the name of Jesus. My leader, Katie, let me share witht them about who God is and about what Jesus did. I told them about God the Creator, about Adam and Eve and sin. I told them about how the Iraelites had to sacrifice animals, lambs, for the payment of their sins, which connects for them because they believe that you must sacrifice goats in order to appease their ancestors. I told them how Jesus came and lived a life without sin then died for us to pay for our sins once for all. And about how He rose again and invites us all to come to Him for salvation. Then I asked if anyone wanted that salvation, and one girl, about 14 or 15 years old, instantly shot up her hand. I prayed with her, Precious is her name, and afew minutes later the others from our group returned and I introduced her to the full time missionary with us, Erlo, who provided a way for her to get to church.
We need to pray for missions in South Africa! So many people are just like those kids, they have never heard of God! Please pray for Midlands Christian Centre and their pastors Dermont and Glenda Sandalls and Jon and Tracy Kuhn, along with the full time missionaries, Erlo, Brenda, Delhi, and my friend Ntando, and for every DoMission team that goes there. Also pray for me as I look to go back this winter.
Romans 10:14-15
Romans 10:14-15
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