Hey everyone! We are in full swing raising funds for our return trip to Uganda which is just a short 6 months away. Right now we are buckling down trying to raise the portion of our funds which is the largest and most daunting: the plane tickets. Right now the cheapest we can find are about $1,700 per person. Which means for Jonathan and I a total of $2,400 needs to be raised in just the next few weeks. There is no possible way for us to do this ourselves. But thankfully we serve a God who is greater than that. He works in wonderful ways to provide for us. We do our part by doing as much as we can to raise the funds, which is where things like this blogpost comes in: we need your help too. There is a convenient button on the left side of his page that takes you to a PayPal page where you can enter in the amount of your choosing and help out. 100% of that money goes straight to the trip costs. Other ways you can help out is by buying one of the things we are selling for the trip. My Mom, who is going on the trip, is selling homemade scarves, I'm selling my artwork at Wake Forest Coffee Company, and we are all selling "Pray for Uganda" support bracelets (also at WFCC). Anything you can do will help out tremendously! We all thank you for your continued support!